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    • Aug 29 News of dimogroup.net
      LABOR DAY IN USA 2018
      Dear Customers, Due to Federal Holiday in the USA on Monday September the 3, all withdrawal requests in USD and deposit VIA bank wire transfers will be processed next bus...
    • May 31 News of Dimogroup LTD
      Chance to win 50 000 USD for all new investments in June!
      Dear Customers, By your aditional requests we have exstend your chance to win extra 50 000 USD also in June. Payment will be made on your dimogroup.net account in the beg...
    • Apr 30 News of Dimogroup LTD
      Chance to win 50 000 USD for all new investments in May !
      Dear Customers, Thank's for been with us for all this 11 YEARS ! With out Your support we have never become number one private investment company. In order to show our lo...
    • Apr 05 News of Dimogroup LTD
      Good Friday and Easter Monday in UK 2018
      Dear customers, Due to Banking Holiday in the UK on Friday (March 30) and Monday ( April 2), all withdrawal requests and transfers will processed next day Tuesday ( April...
    • Mar 16 News of Dimogroup LTD
      We have Russian support now
      Dear Valid cusmores, Starting from today we will be able to provide support by email, phone and live chat in Russian language. Thank you for doing business with us an...

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    About Us

    Welcome to the HYIP RATER website.

    Our team of experienced investors is happy to offer you a radically new HYIPs solution. Our primary professional goal consists, first and foremost, in searching and passing the winding way to success.

    We know what it's like to browse tons of rating websites packed with advertisements that obviously bring profit merely to their owners and no-one else. Isn't it tiring to discover, from site to site, the evident agreement between HYIPs listings owners and HYIPs administrators, with the latter giving scum HYIPs high rank and never caring about the investors' money?

    Despite the above-mentioned sad facts, our team, however, has not been disappointed in the HYIPs sphere. Far from that, we have always been and remain sure that this is the very way for making money!

    We have come up with the most honest HYIP Rating website developed specially for you!

    Why choose us? 

    We have an independent HYIPs monitoring system that sums the rating of each program in conformity with 4 factors and ascribes a certain rank.

    - lifetime (days) Investment Program life period, counted since the opening date.
    - monitoring (days) - Investment Program monitoring period, counted since the date of submitting to our site.
    - admin rate - Our personal rating of an Investment Program. We study each program most thoroughly taking into consideration its design, safety of the basis script, public opinion available on forums and rate.
    - user rate - The amount of all votes given to the Investment Program. When voting, visitors must be registerd users for the purpose of subsequent voting confirmation; their IP addresses are also determined by our system.

    This approach provides maximum warranty against unfaithful investment program administrators who might wish to cheat and boost their rating.

    - funds return (%) - Indicator, which has no connection to a program's rating position. The figure specifies the ratio of the profit gained from a program to the amount invested into it.

    All of the above proves that our program is a perfect solution for those who would like to get detailed information on Investment Programs and succeed in this complicated deal.

    Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter. You will periodically receive news related to our project as well as lots of useful articles directly to your e-mail box.

    With all respect HYIPRATER.NET team.


    Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with any of the investment programs listed on our website. The information presented on our website is based on statistics and personal experience only. Please keep in mind that all HYIPs investments are highly risky. We do not recommend you to invest more than you can afford to lose.
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